What is Support Coordination and how can you get it? Support Coordination is reasonable and necessary funded support. This means that you need to request funding for Support Coordination in your planning meeting or review. It is a good idea to start thinking about why you would like to have Support Coordination funded in your NDIS plan before your meeting.

How to ask for Support Coordination

To get funding for Support Coordination, the NDIA must consider that it is reasonable and necessary that you receive this type of support. You will need to explain why you believe that you need Support Coordination. Here are some examples.

1. Your disability

  • You have complex needs and/or multiple disabilities
  • You have high health needs
  • Communication can be challenging

2. Your social situation

  • You have multiple members of your family accessing the NDIS
  • You have a limited or no support network
  • You don’t have any immediate family support

3. Your personal situation

  • You are new to the NDIS and don’t know where to start
  • You have substantial funding and need help to access supports
  • You are going through a challenging time in your life

4. Your cultural situation

  • English is not your first language
  • You experience other cultural barriers

Finding a Provider

If you receive funding for Support Coordination, the next step is to choose a provider. At this point, you are able to select InFocus as your Support Coordination provider. We will work with you so that you get the most out of your NDIS plan and support you to become more confident in managing your plan.

Group of young woman with disability socialising

More about Support Coordination

What is Support


Get in Touch

To find out more about Support Coordination please provide your details and we will be in touch.

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