Our Brisbane community provides lots of fun activities that are fully inclusive. We’ve listed 9 of them! So whether you are into art, fitness or dance or you are simply looking for some opportunities to socialise and explore the great outdoors, here are some great options!
We’ve selected our top inclusive TV shows, from Australia and around the world. If you’re looking for a new show to binge – we’ve got you covered! A word of warning though – some of these are strictly for the grown-ups!
Setting your NDIS goals is a crucial part of the NDIS and will help you to get the funding for the support that you need. In this article we look at what you need to know about NDIS goals and give you some tips on how to set the right goals for you.
At the end of June, the NDIA announced changes to NDIS pricing, ahead of proposed broader reforms that will strengthen the NDIS provider market. The NDIS Pricing Review takes place annually and sets the maximum price limits that NDIS providers and health professionals are allowed to charge for services they provide to NDIS participants.
Ashley has been a client with InFocus for almost two years and is supported by Greer, one of our wonderful Support Coordinators to help him achieve his personal and NDIS goals. One of Ashley’s goals is to get out and about and make new friends and this year he’s smashed that goal!
By now, you will have heard a lot about PACE. While it’s great to have lots of information available, it can also be confusing. We explore some of the questions our Plan Managers and Support Coordinators are hearing from participants and provide the answers you need.
Getting around using public transport and having a disability are two things that don’t necessarily work in harmony! But public transport can open up a whole new world of possibilities for work, play and community inclusion. We’ve created this easy guide to navigating public transport with a disability to help.
YPIRAC stands for ‘Younger people in residential aged care’ and refers to someone who is under the age of 65 with a disability who lives permanently in a residential aged care facility. In 2023, there were 2934 younger people with disability living in aged care in Australia and many of them were not aware of other housing options.